在多本国际期刊发表论文;主持一项厅级课题,获前省级领导肯定性评价;参与国家级、省部级、厅级项目五项;曾担任Journal of Accounting and Public Policy(SCI期刊)匿名审稿人;曾参加多个金融会计领域国际会议并发表英文学术演讲;指导多位本科学生完成毕业论文。在国内外大学从事教学工作,曾经教过Principles of Accounting (英语课),会计学原理,审计学,财务管理,政府与非营利组织会计,会计新生研讨课等多门课程,受到学生好评。参与完成《会计学原理》浙江省一流线上课程建设。多次指导学生获得一类学科竞赛省级和校级前三等奖。社会服务方面,曾在高盛(香港)的全球投资研究部门实习;在中国建设银行(香港)担任资金部总裁助理;在杭州一家私募基金任职并通过中国证券从业资格考试及CFA level 1考试;曾为American Accounting Association(美国会计协会)会员;曾担任经管学院工商管理学科助理,MPAcc项目助理;曾担任本科及研究生班主任,获得优秀班主任荣誉称号;目前担任数家公司的财务顾问及学术顾问。
[1]Time-varying influence of interest rates on stock returns: evidence from China, Economic Research, 2021.8. (SSCI,合作者)
[2] Time-varying transmission effects of internet finance under economic policy uncertainty and internet consumers’ behaviors: evidence from China, Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, 2021.5. (EI,通讯作者)
[3] Interaction effects between technology-driven urbanization and eco-environment: evidence from China’s east Zhejiang region, Sustainability, 2019.11. (SSCI/SCI,通讯作者)
[4] Impact of Temperature Change on Per Unit Yield of Japonica Rice, Ekologi, 2019. 18.(SCI,合作者)
[5] The evolving economic role of accounting standards: evidence from bilateral cross-border M&A flows, Frontiers of Business Research in China. 2014. (第一作者)
[6] The impact of IFRS adoption on foreign direct investment. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy. 2012,31. (SCI,共同第一)
[7] SLIT: designing complexity penalty for classification and regression trees using the SRM principle. Advances in Neural Networks - ISNN 2006 (共同第一)
[8] 中国绿色会计研究:主题与趋势 ——基于1992-2019年CSSCI期刊源文献分析。《绿色财会》。2021.1,(合作者)
[9] 国际会计准则研究的回顾与展望。《商业故事》.2019.10。(第一作者)