张旭尧,女,博士,讲师。从事财务会计理论与实务、林业资源核算及环境管理等方面的研究,参与多个科研项目,并在《Ecological indicators》《Forests》《Sustainability》《财务与会计》等国内外学术刊物上发表论文20余篇,其中SCI/SSCI收录6篇,EI收录2篇。
[1] 国家社会科学基金项目“碳排放权交易下我国企业森林碳汇会计制度”(2017-2020),参与。
[2] 国家社会科学基金项目“全面两孩政策下家庭照料对女性非正规就业的影响研究”(2019-2021),参与。
[3] 教育部(人文社会科学研究项目)“利润驱动下融入在线社会资本信息的个人信用风险评估研究”(2020-2022),参与。
[4] 浙江省自然科学基金委“面向作物生长管理的农业物联网混合数据流挖掘关键方法研究”(2016-2019),参与。
[1] Xuyao Zhang. (第一作者), Dayu Xu. Assessing the eco-efficiency of complex forestry enterprises using LCA/time-series DEA methodology. Ecological Indicators, 2022, 142(1):109166.
[2] Xuyao Zhang. (第一作者), Dayu Xu., Weiming Zhang. Life Cycle Assessment of Complex Forestry Enterprise: A Case Study of a Forest–Fiberboard Integrated Enterprise. Sustainability ,2020, 12(10): 4147.
[3] Dayu Xu., Lei Ren., Xuyao Zhang (通讯作者). Predicting Multidimensional Environmental Factor Trends in Greenhouse Microclimates Using a Hybrid Ensemble Approach. Journal of Sensors, 2023, 6486940.
[4] Chunping Lu., Dayu Xu., Xuyao Zhang(通讯作者). An Ecological Development Level Evaluation of the Forestry Industry in China Based on a Hybrid Ensemble Approach. Forests, 2021, 12(9):1288.
[5] Dayu Xu., Jiahao Chen., Xuyao Zhang (通讯作者), Junguo Hu. A Novel Ensemble Credit Scoring Model Based on Extreme Learning Machine and Generalized Fuzzy Soft Sets. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2020(3): 1-12.
[6] Dayu Xu., Xuyao Zhang (通讯作者). Generalized fuzzy soft sets theory based novel hybrid ensemble credit scoring model. International Journal of Finance & Economics, 2019(24): 903-921.
[7] Dayu Xu., Xuyao Zhang (通讯作者). Constrains optimal propagation- based modified semi-supervised spectral clustering for large-scale data. International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences, 2018, 10(4): 256-273.
[8] Dayu Xu., Xuyao Zhang (通讯作者). An incremental clustering pattern sequence-based short-term load prediction for cloud computing. International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing, 2016, 7(4): 304-312.